Murfreesboro, North Carolina

The pendulum for Murfreesboro has swung to its far side for what has seemed like a long nap reminiscent of Rip Van Winkle. However, for those towns people who feel its pulse beat know that the town is truly coming alive and awakening. What timing...fore, this writing is at Spring time when all is fresh and new.
For many, the same old, same old has just played out. We have had enough of the status quo. Especially for the newcomers, their ideas are finding a unique blend with our country atmosphere.
The realization that we do indeed have an historical legacy has inspired young and older alike to be a part of its presentation to others. This however, is small town USA; so if people are seeking a really fast pace, it is not here. Yet, many are coming because of and in spite of our slower pace. A place where you can hear church bells chiming through the town, the bell ringing at Chowan College, a siren sounding - signaling disaster for one we probably know-and know well. This is the kind of place where help is given in times of need. When someone becomes ill, everybody gives. They give visits, calls, prayers, support, transportation, food(and you know why it's called comfort food) and any assistance that seems needed.
From small gatherings on each others decks and patios to large parties, we all do know how to cook up Southern hospitality. Maybe that is why a 'soiree' was given for General Lafayette here in town many years ago. At any rate, today's visit to town will see and find many locals giving gentle friendly greetings as they meet each other. Even the tipping of a man's hat is still observed here!
Come visit our town view the river, oh! the river! Check out the two museums where lots of the past is revealed. Stay a couple of days and get some needed R & R. We'll help you relax and be prepared to let us know who you are....'cause we're surely going to ask!


Population: Approximately 2,100
Geographical Area covers: Approximately two square mi.

Incorporated January 6, 1789

Form of Government is Mayor and Town Council
County Seat located in Winton, North Carolina
County Population - Approximately 23,600

For more information about Murfreesboro click on the following links:
* News Media/Major Businesses
*Geographical Information
* Library Information
* Churches
* Medical Facilities-Providers
* Eating Establishments
* Lodging Accommodations
* Law Offices-Accountants
* DMV Office
* Educational Facilities
* Realtors/Auction House
* Museums
* Community Events-Organizations/Chamber of Commerce
* Historical Association
*Police Department
*Proposed Plans
*Want Ads

*Best if viewed in Netscape*